Your Coaches



Hey, there.  I'm a health coach, empowerment self-defense instructor, and boxing trainer. I believe that self-defense is something we practice all day long without realizing it, but it can also be a conscious lifestyle choice! I love this work.

As a certified Health Coach, I help clients empower themselves in all areas of their lives through habit change, daily ritual, and a partnership of accountability. I’m passionate about food as medicine, but nutritious food is only one way of increasing the body’s defenses. Empowerment takes a different form for every human, and everyone’s superpowers are unique and fascinating.

As an Empowerment Self-Defense (ESD) instructor, I teach self-defense and sexual assault prevention to women, girls, and marginalized populations. I'm certified by the American Women’s Self Defense Association and I'm a certified Level 1 instructor through ESD Global. I’m also a graduate of Impact Chicago's Core and Advanced Self-Defense programs, as well as Impact Personal Safety Los Angeles. I feel truly privileged to witness students discover how powerful they really are. I’m committed to bringing ESD training to our local and virtual communities (if you’re interested in being part of this movement yourself, please reach out)!

I’ve been boxing for fitness since 2012, and because I’m passionate about teaching personal boundary setting and a basic toolbox of physical skills, I made it official and became a certified boxing trainer, celebrating that milestone by training at Havana’s legendary Rafael Trejo gym with the coaches of Cuba’s national team. Boxing is not only one of the finest workouts for the body, it’s a skillset that can make you veeery dangerous to a potential predator.  

As serious as these coaching practices are, we make sure that you’ll have a blast in our sessions. There is zero intimidation factor here; my goal is to show you that your own badassery an inner knowing runs deep. And we’ll laugh a lot.

​Outside of the gym, I’m a Chicago actor, a student of herbalism under Rosemary Gladstar (plant-based self-defense), a devoted live music fan, and I’m pursuing a Master’s degree in the Social Change track at DePaul University. ​

We're all works in progress. If you’re interested in discovering what self-defense as a lifestyle might look like for you or a group, reach out and let's have a conversation!


Howdy, folks!

So, here you are, thinking, “Why should I work with this guy over anyone else?” The answer is simple: You are exactly where you’re supposed to be. There are no accidents. You’re looking for that person who will motivate you beyond where you currently are in life and that search has brought you here.

Over the past decade, I’ve worked with hundreds of wonderful and unique individuals from all over the world as a Certified Personal Trainer (NASM), Self-Defense Instructor (American Women’s Self Defense Association), Boxing Coach (Box N Burn), Health Coach (HCI), and Program Facilitator with Peak Potentials and Success Resources, assisting and leading motivational camps that incorporate martial arts and verbal tactics to de-escalate and/or end conflicts without compromising one’s safety or integrity of self.

My 30-year career as a professional actor has taught me great respect for keeping our bodies strong and healthy, as well as invaluable experience connecting with people and being the “scene partner” they need for the situation at hand. This is one of my greatest assets as a coach, trainer, and accountability buddy. If you need me to be tough for you, I can do that. If you need gentle and encouraging, I can do that too. If you need both at the same time… yep, gotcha covered.

I’m interested in helping you remove all physical and mental obstacles from your path, revealing the BEST YOU. I’m not about restrictive diets, unsustainable regimens, etc. I’m all about changing your lifestyle for the better and in a way that it will stick.

Let’s be clear: I don’t love working out. I’m not some exercise junkie. I would much rather be sitting around, watching movies, and eating snacks. The good news is that with the right plan in place, you can do the things you enjoy and still have the body and health and life you want. I can attest to this firsthand.

What stopped you in the past does not have to stop you now.

I believe in solutions and game plans and success. I believe in you.

Let’s do this.