Nice Words

From coaching & self-defense clients

​"Aaron is an incredible trainer, a perfect match, and he is leaps and bounds ahead of my prior training experience. In fact, I was planning to give up the training, and go solo again, but he is so great I signed up for more sessions long term!"
- Todd F.

“Michelle’s energy, Michelle’s energy! - a safe, welcoming, genuinely positive, intelligent energy grounded in her deep desire to help. It’s exactly what’s needed when doing the vulnerable work of habit and behavior change. When I first started working with Michelle, we talked through some life balance issues that led me to make steps toward achieving a long-time goal that had been sitting in the wish category for years. It’s now a reality! Her encouraging tips still echo in my mind on a daily basis motivating me to move forward in a healthy, balanced way.” - Maria B.

"This was my first self-defense training and it's been so life changing for me. Doing the techniques myself made me aware of my physical power (especially as I doubted that as a small petite woman)." 
- Ushma S.

"Every young girl should take a course like this."
- Maricar T.

"I loved the integration of empowerment and self defense, mindsets and principles with physical techniques. Yes, the techniques and ability to practice them repeatedly make me feel more confident about my ability to defend myself, but the power of the training for me was in the cultivation of daily applicable skills, behaviors, and awareness." 
- Laura G.

"100%, I would recommend this training to others."
- Shelby R.

"This was such an important experience. Both Aaron & Michelle were great." -Monique M.

“Michelle isn’t just a wellness coach; she is so much more. She is someone who knows how to listen deeply; she is a confidant who holds you without judgement and always respects your autonomy." 
- Jill S.

"Aaron is a fantastic coach. He really helped me connect to what I desired most and helped me feel like it was within reach. I felt understood and like he was holding space for me to create my dreams. I felt really inspired and optimistic as a result."
- Kirston H.

​"After working with Michelle, I was able to create a plan to leave the life-sucking job and find my dream job. Through the program she took me through, I also was able to recommit to my healthy eating and a regular exercise program. My mental health is so much better, too! I've discovered that with the few small changes I've made, I'm able to be more my positive about my life situations and have developed my gratitude practice that keeps me grounded in the good things in life."
- Brande H.

"Thank you SO much, AC!!! I truly appreciate all of your encouragement and knowledge. You've shown me that I'm capable of doing more than I
think I can. You've helped me to find that sense of self-confidence again, and taught me so much about health and fitness. Thank you for everything!" - Ashley M

"Aaron & Michelle provide a safe and protected space." 
- Alexandra A.

“I've been trying to lose weight for years. AC helped me develop and feel more confident in a plan of my own design that seems to be working for me. I’d add that I'm probably a somewhat atypical client: Engineer, very right-brain sort of guy. AC did a good job working within the psychological limits that I bring to the table.” - Mike F.

“Michelle and Aaron presented an Empowerment Self Defense Workshop at our suburban library and the feedback from attendees has been wonderful. Students praised Michelle and Aaron's ability to create a welcoming, safe space while delivering an engaging, interactive class. Several students remarked that the workshop helped them tap into power and strength that they didn't realize they had. From a program coordinator standpoint, this energetic duo was a dream to work with from start to finish.” -Mary Lynn M.

“WellPower Coaching put on a great program for our library. They were very easy to work with and accommodated for a wide range of age groups. All who attended were extremely enthusiastic about what they learned and would love to see this program again in the future!” - Brittney M.

“This self-defense workshop was powerful and life-changing!” - Office of Health Promotion and Wellness at DePaul University